
How to detect the quality of pogo pin connectors


When purchasing a pogopin connector, you must first determine your own needs, and you can also make a preliminary understanding of the pogopin connector. There are many types of pogopin connectors on the market, and the manufacturers are also mixed, so you must keep your eyes open.


1. The inspection of the pogo pin connector must be carried out when the ignition switch is turned off, otherwise the related electrical components will be damaged due to current self-inductance or short circuit fault.

2. When using a pogo pin connector, first observe the interface mode of the pogo pin connector; the pogo pin connector can only be removed when the clip is released or the buckle is pressed. Do not pull it hard. Pull it hard. When reinstalling, it should be Insert the pogo pin connector backwards and lock the gear at the same time.

3. When removing the pogo pin connector for inspection, carefully remove the holster to avoid damaging the holster and destroying the actual effect of moisture resistance; when reassembling, you must wear moisture-proof clothing in time. Otherwise, water may enter the pogo pin connector. resulting in circuit failure.

4. When checking the pogo pin connector with a digital multimeter, do not apply too much force to the metal terminal when inserting the instrument rod, so as not to deform and cause loosening.


In terms of high and low temperature resistance, a good pogo pin connector must work normally at a high temperature of more than 200 degrees, and its parts cannot be damaged due to high temperature. The low temperature generally has to undergo a low temperature test of minus 60 degrees, because the work of the pogo pin connector The location is not fixed, and many devices have to work in special occasions, so this situation should be prevented.

The pogo pin connector must be strong and have very good shock resistance. It can be used in some harsh environments. Keep working normally, and at the same time will not cause damage due to huge shocks and affect the work of the machine.